A Whole New Time

A Whole New Time

This is a surreal time that we are living in. Just 9 weeks ago, we certainly did not think that we would be here, launching a website and family blog. We’ve been witness to some amazing things – like families and communities coming together, deserved appreciation for healthcare and other front-line workers, throwbacks to a “slower time” in life – but over the past several weeks, we’ve also seen a lot of sadness – for special celebrations suspended, for family members lost, for families struggling, for dream vacations cancelled or postponed. From day one of sheltering at home, we have worked to provide an environment of peace, calm, positivity, and normalcy as best as possible. That doesn’t mean that every moment and day in our house has been perfect – that would be completely unrealistic as we have our own struggles too. We are living a time in history that our children will someday tell our grandchildren and great grandchildren about. In the end, however, we have the opportunity to help shape some of the stories that will be shared, and our hope is that the memories we make together during an otherwise unimaginable time will be among those most cherished.

We realize that it may be a while before things return to “normal” – when tourist destinations are open and/or when families might be comfortable venturing far from home for a vacation. Now, more than ever, is a time to come together as a family, do things that make us happy, try new things, have fun, and make memories. It’s time to synchronize our clocks to Family Standard Time!

This is a whole new time for us – not only the circumstances we are living through right now, but also becoming a blogger family. Our journey is truly a family affair. What is not new is our commitment to our family and to living on Family Standard Time. We are excited to share some of our family standards with you, but we also can’t wait to hear your ideas and suggestions as well as you join us in this time zone. Click the links below to like and follow our social media channels for questions, polls, and more!

In exciting news, the first home adventure should hopefully be finished and posted soon if you want to try to incorporate any of the activities into your Family Standard Time! Hint: We are bringing a favorite Spring pastime that we are missing BIG time for a day of fun into our own home with food, games, music, entertainment, and hopefully a lot of laughs and memories along the way! We’ll provide the theme, activity suggestions, etc. as a road map, then your family can select from the guide to create the adventure that best fits you. But we want you to be involved as much as possible, so tune into our channels sooner rather than later for how you can be part of this journey with us. We are swinging for the fences to make memories!

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