Rock Painting

Rock Painting

Painting rocks is not only an ancient or prehistoric form of art, it’s also a fun family activity! You don’t have to be a professional artist and it’s appropriate for any age or artistic level! It doesn’t have to be a complicated or expensive project at all, but beware because it can become addictive!

Supplies Needed

Rocks – big, small, flat, round…the possibilities are endless!

Paint – outdoor or acrylic paint or paint markers will last longer

Paint Brushes

Palette or Disposable Plate – for mixing colors (if desired)

Small Dish or Cup of Water – for cleaning brushes between colors

Newspaper, Cardboard or Large Paper – to protect your painting surface

Paper Towels – to wipe off brushes, clean up spills, etc.

Clear Spray Sealer (optional) – makes your rocks shiny and maintains the paint for a bit longer (this is more important if you keep your rocks outside)

Get Ready

Some people are lucky to have a lot of rocks around their yard or can find some around their neighborhood. However, you can also choose to purchase rocks from a landscaper or home goods store in person or online.

First, gather all of your supplies, protect your painting surface, and get ready to paint some rocks!

Next, if your rocks are a bit dirty, you can either wash them or wipe them with a damp towel. Be sure to let them dry fully before painting. Some people prep their rocks with a clear, black, or white base coat, but it’s really a personal preference. This step is really only important if you are hoping for the paint to last longer.

There really is no right or wrong way to paint rocks, which is one of the reasons this is such a fun activity.

Let’s Start Painting

If you search for rock painting ideas online, you’ll see a huge range of ideas, some incredibly detailed and intricate. Do not get intimidated! This should be about the process and your time together more than the completed project. Your rocks don’t have to be mini works of art and there’s nothing wrong with a simple painted rock. However, if you need some inspiration, here are a few ideas:






Cartoons or Anime

When all else fails, there’s nothing wrong with a good Jackson Polluck-inspired splatter painted rock!

After your finished rocks are dry, you can spray them with a clear sealer to help protect them and add a nice shine. This step isn’t necessary, but it helps them last longer if they’re going to be left outside in the elements.

Whether you decide to put your rocks indoors, outside around your yard or garden, give them to friends or family, or hide them around your town to sprinkle a little kindness for someone to find. It’s really up to you! No matter what, hopefully you’ve enjoyed some good Family Standard Time along the way!

If your family paints some rocks, please share the pictures and tag us on our social media channels because we’d love to see them!

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