A Season of Gratitude

A Season of Gratitude

2020 has certainly been a challenge. Throughout the last 8 months, we have done our best to look for as much goodness and kindness as possible. We try to be optimistic, but realistic. The Family Standard Time motto has been to make lemonade out of lemons. This Thanksgiving season we have chosen to focus on all that we have to be grateful for. Now, more than ever, we need to do this.

Traditionally, we put up our Christmas tree and decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving. It’s November 1st, and today we put up our Christmas tree. However, we aren’t putting our family Christmas decorations on it just yet. Every day until Thanksgiving, each of us will color and/or write something we are each thankful for on a wooden leaf. Then, we will hang the decorated leaves on the tree. We are calling this our Tree of Gratitude. Every day as we sit in or walk through our living room, it’s a physical reminder to fill our hearts and our home with gratitude.

Whether your family celebrates Christmas or not, this is something that your family can do too. We purchased 120 unfinished wood leaf shape cutouts on Amazon.com. The ones we bought came with a piece of string for hanging. You can string the leaves on a garland to hang in your house if you don’t have a tree. It’s not about what the leaves hang on or how they are displayed. We can focus on the good things in our lives. It’s about being grateful for what we have.

The Family Standard Time family is thankful for the opportunity to share ideas like this with you. In the end, it’s all about family and the memories we make together. May this Thanksgiving season bring your family together. Focus on all that is good in your lives.

If you like this idea, please share with your family and friends, because a world full of gratitude makes the world a better place! Believe there is good in the world. See the good in the world. Be the good in the world. Share the good in the world.

Tree of Gratitude

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