Hooray! We can’t believe it, but Family Standard Time is celebrating our one year blog-iversary!
None of us could have predicted what the past 14 months would have been like. Work, school, and family dynamics have seen the biggest changes that any of us will possibly see in our lifetimes. Many industries ground to a halt for an extended period of time. Some industries and businesses are just beginning to recover even now. We were forced to think creatively and outside the box to make things that used to be normal work. It definitely wasn’t always easy, but for the most part, we did it.
At the beginning of the pandemic, we had an inspirational family quote of the day. Most days Mom updated the quote, but everyone got a turn when they wanted. Some were funny and reflected the personality of the one who chose the quote. We try to live our lives looking for the “silver linings.” Each day, we look for the lessons that can be learned to be better versions of ourselves. It’s not about being happy and positive all of the time. Most importantly, even in challenging times, we try to look for the rainbow through the clouds. Lemonade can be made out of even the sourest of lemons β sometimes you just have to add more sugar than usual.
It is always interesting to reflect on periods of significant challenge or change. Certainly, priorities change often over time regularly, but can even more so when life gets topsy-turvy. The rush to return to normal has many of us questioning what parts of that former “normal” we really want to rush back to. “New normal” was a phrase that made many people cringe at the thought of. But, as life is constantly changing anyway, and we are always having to adapt to new things, is a new normal really a bad thing?
Workplaces have realized that work from home scenarios can be successful for many industries and employees. Schools have realized that, while virtual learning is not the best possible learning experience for all students, it is possible. Some students have thrived. Parents who have previously traveled a lot for work away from their families are enjoying being home for dinner.
Life isn’t about the destination β it’s about the journey. For our family, the memories we make together and the stories we share as new chapters in our lives are written are held closest to our hearts. We are committed to living on Family Standard Time. And we are so thankful to have this platform to be able to share our adventures with your family!