The Joy of Giving

The Joy of Giving

It’s the season of giving. Filling wishlist items from a giving tree or toy drive has long been part of our family’s holiday season experience. As more and more people are working from home rather than the office, organized drives such as these are also less common right now. Unfortunately, while these particular events are harder to find, the number of families and non-profit organizations in need is actually much greater than in years past.

In an effort to find a similar giving experience, we remembered that as part of the AmazonSmile program, there are many charities and non-profit organizations that have wishlists published with items in need. These lists will typically provide an overview of the organization, as well as why the items requested are important. Delivery information is also part of the lists so that purchases can be sent directly to where they are needed. If your family wants to and is able to give this holiday season, click here for AmazonSmile Charity Lists. You can browse by cause, enter a town/city to find something in a specific location, or search by keyword. Family Standard Time has no affiliation with Amazon. There are many charities and non-profit organizations that may not have an Amazon wish list. There are also lots of opportunities and ways to give – this is just a way that was simple, yet meaningful, and worked well for us. Your family should find a way to give that works for you if you are moved to do so.

Medical procedures and hospitalizations are stressful and anxiety ridden for anyone, but when the patients are children, those factors can escalate tremendously. Child Life Departments offer services to aid pediatric patients and their families during these difficult times. With that in mind, our search brought us to a list for the Child Life Department at Children’s Hospital of NJ for RWJ Barnabas Health Inc (Family Standard Time has no affiliation with this organization).

There are a variety of things to choose from for multiple ages on their wishlist – dolls, games, puzzles, speakers, blankets, and more. Together as a family, we went through the list, discussed when and how the various types of items might be used, and everyone had an opportunity to pick a few things to donate that were meaningful to them.

Francis Bacon said that “charity begins at home.” Learning to give to others during a time of year that is so easy to get caught up in receiving is a wonderful lesson to share with our children. The act of giving teaches gratitude in a meaningful and real way when done from the heart. If your family is able to give, this is a great way for some Family Standard Time doing something to help others in need.

From the Family Standard Time family to yours, wishing you a wonderful holiday season!

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